Gemstone Glossary
Amazonite- is primarily associated with filtering out stresses, healing traumas, and soothing energies in the home and workplace.
Amethyst - a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkenness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek meaning “without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one from poison.
Aquamarine- is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go. In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness.
Banded Agate- Often called the earth rainbow, Banded Agate is a healing stone for body, mind and spirit. It can increase concentration, honesty and memory. Banded Agate also protects the wearer from psychic attack, thereby preventing negative energy from harming you.
Black Agate- like all black stones, is a grounding and protective crystal. It gives a calming peace that helps those during a period of bereavement. Black Agate gives inner strength to move on and is also very helpful in keeping the peace in stressful households
Black Tourmaline – the sage of the gemstone world…is a protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack. Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration.
Blue Lace Agate- is a stone of communication. It assists in interpreting messages from your higher power and spirit guides. Helps heal emotional traumas with a nurturing and soothing energy.
Brazilian Agate- brings the yin + yang to harmony. It is a soothing and calming stone which works slowly but brings great strength.
Carnelian- a stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success.
Coral- symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream. Pink shades restore harmony to the heart. It is used as an aid to depression, lethargy or deficient nutrition.
Citrine- Yellow crystals bring you enlightenment, optimism, warmth, and clarity. ... Gold crystals bring you success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power.
Chrysocolla- is first and foremost a Stone of Communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard.
Desert Jasper (polychrome)- represents the earth and is a grounding stone that promotes stability and balance in life. It balances the vibrations and emotional energies of the body, and is very nurturing.
Fluorite- a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit.
Fossil Jasper- is an excellent protection stone, providing protection for both travelers and astral travelers. Fossil Jasper is also a grounding stone, and is especially useful in healing. It instills a feeling of wholeness, serenity and being cared for and aids mental clarity and functioning.
Green opal- strengthens all types of relationships; romantic, friends, family and business, especially when worn in a pendant around the neck, (or tucked into your bra next to your heart). It is sometimes referred to as the stone of change.
Jade- very useful for emotional healing. The soothing energy from jade relieves irritability while helping to eliminate negativity. The personality is stabilized through integration of body and mind.
Hematite- absorbs negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration.
Howlite-is a super-calming stone and many people use it to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind.
Lapis Lazuli- is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honor, gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth. It is associated with the Third Eye chakra.
Larvikite- is a protective and grounding stone. It is cleansing to the subtle bodies and facilitates a strong connection with the energies of Earth, helping to connect with the spirits of Nature. Larvikite stimulates inner visions and enhances our psychic abilities.
Lava Stone- a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.
Leopard Jasper - aides in out of body experiences and journeying. It is a powerful protection stone. Like all Jaspers, Leopardskin Jasper is closely associated with strength and vitality, and brings stability to those who may be experiencing chaotic energies in this incarnation.
Onyx - a powerful protection stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy, and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx aids the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina, especially when support is needed during times of stress, confusion or grief.
Picasso Jasper- assists in the transformation of relationships. It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends, as well as helping to renew old friendships that had been lost. It has strong grounding and calming qualities and helps to engender strength and self-discipline.
Picture Jasper - a grounding and harmonizing stone with a strong connection to the earth. It is said to promote feelings of responsibility towards the planet, encouraging a need to care for and protect it.
Pink Aventurine- gives off a wonderful sense of well-being. Most people find it to be a very calming stone that can help clear the way for an understanding of alternatives in one's life, removing any feelings of being trapped in a certain circumstance.
Pyrite- is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from both environmental pollution and physical danger. Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being.
Red Jasper - Heals emotional trauma through courage and strength. Overcoming domestic violence, it also aides in the healing process and recovery from violent sexual experiences.
Rhodonite - stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It clears and activates the heart chakra. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one's highest potential.
Rose Quartz- the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
Smokey Quartz- is an excellent grounding stone. It neutralises negative vibrations and detoxes, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.
Soapstone- A soothing stone with calming properties. It helps to create balance in times of change. It promotes truth, logic, and rational thinking.
Sodalite- It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalization of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies.
Tibetan Agate – all around healing gemstone, also known as Tibetan Dzi agates. originated from Tibet and the Himalayan mountains. In Tibetan this word can simply be translated to bring good meanings of “splendor, brightness and shine.”
Tigers Eye - a very protective stone. It has a powerful, dynamic energy with a watchful quality to it. Tigers Eye expresses a strengthening and grounding energy.
Turquoise - the talisman of kings, shamans, and warriors. As a healing stone, Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. According to followers of the New Age, the healing powers of Turquoise can benefit the whole body, with special strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory, waste and skeletal systems.
Turquoise (yellow)- Enhances communication, intuition, and creativity. You can bring an increase and protects your personal power through sensitive positivity.
Unakite- brings together the abundant, nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature's most healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body.